& Discovery
& Precision 



Quality & Precision 

Genealogy, or the study of Family History, has become a national pastime. Many of the prominent websites have encouraged people to see where their ancestors came from.  In addition, these websites have proven to be an informational boom in the world of Family History.  But, while we are not the cheapest resource we provide a unique product.

CW3 Genealogy uses the right tools and pays particular attention to detail. This attention to detail  ensures that your Family Research is comprehensive and accurate.  While we use online sources and outside researchers, we also use all other resources available including, the telephone, interviews and good old fashioned, shoe leather to discover what we can about your ancestor.

Research & Discovery

Detail & Precision



Don't Lose The People  Who Made You...

...Your Relatives Had Full Lives and Without Them- You're Not Here!


Thomas Henry Manning (1887-1964)
by Charles W. Wiltsie III

The History of Thomas Henry Manning, 1887-1964 is the history of a common person, living his life in New England, New York, Pennsylvania and New Jersey during a time of great change.  From the Depression of the late 1800's through economic boom, WWI and then the Great Depression.  Thomas Henry Manning lived through all of this including WWII, Korea and Vietnam.  The History of this person is the history of a common person.   A human being that lived beneath the radar of politics and economy.  It is, in a sense, both anti-history and genealogy.  It is a short read and demonstrates that the average person has interesting history as they travel through their own heroic journey

We are located at:
CW3 Genealogy
PO Box 424
Middletown, Connecticut 06457 USA



3-Steps to Cleaning Up Your Family Tree
This is an introductory course that helps you correct errors in your family tree. Sometimes well meaning family members tell y stories about ancestors or supply information to genealogical sites that is inaccurate based on family legend.  This course will help you clean all of that up in 3 Steps:

Step 1:  DNA
Without DNA you may be barking up the wrong genealogical tree.  You will learn why DNA is so crucial to Accurate Family Tree Research

Step 2: GPS (Genealogical Proof Standard)
The GPS is your tool to accurately collect archived data for the purpose of proving a persons life history and chronology

Step3: Archiving
Step 3 teaches you how to properly archive date for future generations to see
